southwest iowa emergency relief fund

Our southwest Iowa communities, as well as our neighbors in eastern Nebraska, are coping with heartbreaking loss and destruction caused by a series of tornadoes and storms that tore through the region on Friday, April 26. Damage is so severe, that many impacted neighborhoods and communities are inaccessible at this time.

The Community Foundation for Western Iowa is here to support our southwest Iowa communities in gathering donations through the Southwest Iowa Emergency Relief Fund. Donations to the fund will support Iowa nonprofit partners, communities, disaster relief organizations, and public health organizations who are on the front line of disaster relief efforts.

As of 4/29, Pottawattamie County, Iowa officials are currently limiting access to the community of Minden to only public safety personnel, utility crews, residents and the organized groups that have been requested and deployed to meet current and specific operational priorities. 

Officials are advising volunteers and organizations not to self-deploy to the disaster area. As safety conditions and operational needs change, officials will announce volunteer opportunities for individuals, small groups, and other organized disaster response teams.

More details on updated information can be found on the Pottawattamie County website.

SHARE Iowa - an initiative of the Community Foundation - is a resource on how you can assist our communities through relief efforts. We will post approved volunteer opportunities and donation options as soon as we have information on our Facebook Page and website.